Publishing your MoCart app for the first time in the Apple Store

In this article, we walk you through the process of publishing the MoCart app for the first time in the Apple Store. Before following the instructions below, you need to confirm that:

Filling in information about your app

You must first go to your Shoplazza Admin > Apps > MoCart > Settings to complete the Listing, Personal information, and Business information sections. For more details, see Configuring MoCart app settings  .

The status of the step will change into "Completed (the green checkmark)" after you fill in all the required information.


  • Please fill in the information carefully to avoid being rejected during the review process of the Apple Store.
  • Update the information by clicking on the "Settings" button under the Complete app listing block. The content will be updated only after the app has been approved and published by the Apple Store.
  • During the publishing process, try not to modify the information as it may result in review failure or the changed content not synced.

Publishing your app

1. Navigate to Apple's App Store Connect  , click the "+" button and select New App from the dropdown.

2. Fill in the information in the pop-up window.

  • Platform: Select iOS
  • Name: Input the name of your app or your brand
  • Main language: Select English (United States), or errors may occur when updating the data.
  • Package ID: Select "MoCart-[store name] - com.mocart.[store name]" after you have obtained necessary data for publishing your MoCart app in the Apple Store. For example, if your store name is JohnStore, select: MoCart-JohnStore - com.mocart.JohnStore.
  • SKU: Enter a unique string. You can use multiple methods of combining information.
  • User access rights: Select full access.

3. From your Shoplazza Admin > Apps > MoCart > Overview, click the dropdown for "Publish your app" and click Publish.

4. Fill in the Key ID, Issuer ID, and API Key, click Next. For details on getting the information, see Obtaining necessary data for publishing your MoCart app in the Apple Store  .

5. After confirming your information, click Submit. The system will start submitting your app to the app store.

6. After the pop-up window closes, you can confirm the status of your app from MoCart > Overview > App publish process > Publish your app. The sequence of statuses are: Pending - Data loading - Preparing for building - Building - Publishing - Success.


The whole process normally takes about three hours to complete. If statuses such as "Loading failed", "Data loading failed", or "Publish failed" occur, you can retry by clicking the Publish button again.

Submitting related information for review in App Store Connect

1. Once your status shows "Success", you will need to submit related information in App Store Connect for review. Go to App Store Connect   > Apps, select the app to be published.

2. Go to the iOS Previews and Screenshots section. At this stage, you have two options for obtaining your screenshots:

  • Use Apple's TestFlight   for beta testing your app. This tool allows you to take screenshots directly within the app for a real-world preview.
  • Alternatively, you can upload screenshots of your app's homepage, order page, or account page.

Once you have your screenshots, click Add for Review.


To get more details on how to make the most of the screenshot feature, refer to Apple's guidelines. Whether you're using TestFlight or taking the screenshots yourself, these images will be key in showcasing your app's features and functionality.

3. Enter promotional text for your app in the text box below.


Except for promotional text, the system will automatically populate other fields like description, keywords, URL, and version, based on what you've set up in MoCart. If there are any sync issues, the system will prompt for missing information.

4. Finally, select a version release mode. We recommend choosing the Automatically release this version option for a seamless publishing process.

Waiting for review result

Once your app clears the review, it will be published in the App Store. If there are any issues, you'll receive an email from the Apple Developer Platform with details.

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