Importing products from Shopify

For new Shoplazza store owners transitioning from Shopify, importing products is an important step in setting up your online presence. This feature simplifies the migration process by allowing you to effortlessly transfer your product catalog from Shopify. Using CSV files, you can quickly populate your Shoplazza store with your existing Shopify products, ensuring a smooth transition. This guide is designed to help you navigate the process of importing products from Shopify into your Shoplazza admin panel.

Importing products with a CSV file

1. From your Shoplazza admin > Products > All products, click on Import from Shopify.

2. At the prompt, choose to either install the Store migration app for importing or select the second option to import via a CSV file.


For transferring products from other platforms, refer to our help document. You can also import/export products from an excel worksheet in XLSX format. For details on uploading products from a template file, see Importing/Exporting product.

3. Click the Select file box to upload your local Shopify CSV file.

Modifying imported product statuses

Once you've uploaded a file, you will be prompted with more importing preferences. In Product(s) post-import status, you will have the option to set products as published, drafts, or in accordance with your handles specified in CSV.

Overwriting your product details using a CSV file

When importing a CSV file, select overwrite to update existing products with the same handle or SPU. Here's what to expect:

  • If a CSV column matches an existing product column, the CSV values will replace the current ones. If overwrite is not chosen, matching products won't be updated.
  • If a required CSV column is empty, it will erase the corresponding value in the product list. For example, if Vendor is blank in the CSV, it will become blank in the product list too.
  • If the CSV lacks a non-required column that's in the product list, the original product list value will remain. For example, if Variant Image isn't in the CSV, its value in the product list stays unchanged.

Editing your CSV file

Here's an example of a CSV file:

Below is a table of common variables that can be found in a XLSX file:

Product ID Product identifiers are a series of numerical or alphanumerical digits that are used to identify a specific product. At Shoplazza, your product ID is randomized in a format like: 64ec318a-2220-4cee-a362-b4064bfade91.Please note: Your product ID is a required field to complete.
Created at This column identifies the time when a product is created.
Title The name of your product. Your product title is limited to a maximum of 255 characters.
Attributes Product attributes are characteristics or features that describe a product.Here are some suggestions to manage your products with multiple variants:Fill in "M" to identify the main productFill in "P" for its sub-varientsFor products with only single variants:Fill in "S" to identify.
Body(HTML) The <body> element contains all the contents of an HTML document, such as headings, paragraphs, images, hyperlinks, tables, lists, etc. This field is used for describing the product in HTML format or it can also be plain text without any formatting.
SEO Title SEO titles contain your target keywords. This helps both the search engine and the searchers to understand the relevancy of your content. Your SEO title is limited to a maximum of 5000 characters.
SEO Description Your SEO content informs search engines about what the topic of your website is about.
SEO URL handle This column holds your URLs to products. Your SEO URL handle is limited to a maximum of 255 characters. Please note this field only modifies the URL parameter specifying the product. For example: products/men-red-cardigan.

SEO URL redirect

URL redirects make a web page available under more than one URL address. An example of that would be: and are automatically redirected to For this field, please simply fill in a true/false statement to the statement below:You would like to create a new URL directory to the current SEO URLFill in "Y" to represent Yes and "N" to represent "No".
SEO keywords Your keywords and phrases in your marketing content enable visitors to locate your web pages through search engines. An example of that would be "best summer outfits under 40 dollars" for a clothing brand. Please make sure to separate your keywords with commas. For example: "TheBestOutfits,Summer,Lookbook"
Published Identifies whether a product is published. The default status of this column is set to "N" meaning unpublished. If you wish to upload a published product, please fill in "Y" as opposed to the default option.
Requires shipping Identifies if the product requires shipping. The default status of this column is set to "N" meaning the product does not require shipping. If you wish to upload a product that requires shipping, please fill in "Y" as opposed to the default option.
Product taxable Identifies whether the product needs to be taxed. The default status of this column is set to "N" meaning the product is exempt from tax. If you wish to upload a product that includes tax, please fill in "Y" as opposed to the default option.
Spu SPU stands for Standard Product Unit (standardized product unit), SPU is the smallest unit of product information aggregation, a set of reusable, easy-to-retrieve standardized information collection, which describes the characteristics of a product.For example, "iPhone X" and other similar models would be SPUs, and SKUs in this case refer to attributes of the models such as configurations like "6G, 8G, 128G".
Tracking inventory Inventory tracking displays your stock in real-time to avoid oversold and invalid orders created by customers. The default status of this column is set to "N", meaning this feature is switched off. If you wish to enable this feature, please fill in "Y" as opposed to the default option.
Inventory policy This handle is required when Tracking inventory is set to "Y", please refer to the options below to complete your inventory settings:"1" indicates the item can still be purchased even when there is 0 stock"2" indicates the item will be disabled when there is 0 stock"3" indicates the item will revert back to unpublished when there is 0 stock
Collection This refers to any collection albums created in your Shoplazza Admin. Fill in the name of your collection to sort and use commas to separate between collections. For example: Mycollection1,Mycollection2.
Tag Product tags help define the attributes of your products. The maximum number of tags is limited to 250 and 500 characters each.
Vendor This handle indicates your vendor information. In a supply chain, a vendor or provider is in charge of manufacturing inventory/stock items and sells them to the next link in the chain. You may manually input the name of your vendor in this column. The maximum number of characters in this field is limited to 20 characters.
Vendor URL This handle indicates your vendor information. Type in a link to record vendor's URL address.
Option 1 This handle indicates the model and attributes of your product.
Option 2 You may specify your product attributes in this column.
Option 3 You may specify your product attributes in this column.
Price This handle indicates the product price that rounds up to the second decimal place. Your input must be less than 1000000000.00
SKU SKUs at Shoplazza are different from bar codes or universal labels that are standardized by an organization. You can create your own unique numeral label to track your inventory and storage and report sales for store analyzing purposes. Each SKU is limited to a maximum of 255 characters.
Weight Product weight means the total weight of a single item. For example: Bottled water weighs approximately half of a kilogram. In this case, your input should be 0.5 without "kg" indicating the weight unit.Please note: "kg" is the standard default measuring unit for weight and your input depends on the weight unit you set up with in Weight Unit.
Weight Unit You can use the following weight units for measuring purposes:"kg" as kilogram"lb" as pound"g" as gram"oz" as ounceThe weight measuring unit is set to "kg" as the default option.
Barcode Barcodes are used to identify products in stores. You may manually fill in this column if your product has label requirements.Please note:Each barcode is limited to a maximum of 255 characters.
Inventory Qty You need to determine the quantity of your inventory before uploading a product to Shoplazza. Your inventory quantity is the number of units on hand for each item. Example case: For 100 pieces of T-shirts in stock, fill in "100" without any quantifying units.
Image Adding images for your products is an important part of completing the upload process. There are two additional indicators in the xlsx chart you might need to pay extra attention to before filling in your URL addresses for images:"M" is a pre-defined indicator that means "the main product of a ".For example, if a product such as a t-shirt is available in five different sizes and four different colors, then there is a total of 20 variations of the same product. The "M" here is the main product."S" is a pre-defined indicator that means "Products with single variant"For example, if a product such as a t-shirt is available in only one size with its unique pattern. The "S" here determines whether or not a product has multiple variants.Attached Image URLs will be created as secondary images for your product if you have already attached a photo in the Main image column.You must have at least one image URL for either the Image or the main image column.Please use commas to separate each image URL if you are entering multiple sources.When a product is pre-defined as "P" or a sub-variant of a product, you may fill in the corresponding image URL solely for that product
Product note Insert a note section for your product in this column.Please note: the maximum number of characters for each entry is limited to 50 characters.
Variant note Insert a variant note to different unique attributes.Please note: the maximum number of characters for each entry is limited to 20 characters.
Main image Your main image, or hero image, is the first image that appears on your product detail page and the one shown to customers in search.If you add an URL or images of variants, then it must be a functioning image URL. An example image URL or images of variants is Please note: The maximum number of images you may insert in this column is limited to 1 per product. Images will be ignored if multiple image links exist for the same item.

Additional handles in Shoplazza

Edit the standard CSV template to include extra details like <Collection> or <Spu>.

  • <Collection>: This field records your current product collections. Any non-existing collection names won't be registered. Use commas to separate multiple collections.
  • <Spu>: SPU and SKU are both attribute values. For instance, if a SKU is iPhone 20 rosegold, the SPU, which indicates the brand, would be iPhone.


Please ensure fields are formatted correctly to avoid errors.

By following the above steps, you can easily import products from Shopify to your Shoplazza store. This will enable you to expedite your store setup and diversify your product offerings. Remember, a well-stocked Shoplazza store can attract a wider customer base. Start importing today and watch your business reach new heights.

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