Shipping profiles

A shipping profile is a set of shipping rules for specific products and locations. You can use the default general shipping profile for all your products or create custom shipping profiles for specific products.

Shipping profiles help you charge accurate shipping rates through product-based shipping rules. You can use shipping profiles to set shipping rates for specific products and charge different amounts based on where you're shipping your products to and from. You can add products that should share shipping rates to a shipping profile, and then set up shipping zones and rates for each location that fulfills those products.

General shipping profile

Each Shoplazza store comes with a general shipping profile. If you want to have the same shipping rates for all your products, then the general profile might be sufficient for your store's shipping setup. All your existing and new products are added to the general shipping profile. If a product or variant isn't in a custom profile, then it uses the general shipping rates in your general profile.

Click here to learn more about setting up a general shipping profile.

Custom shipping profile

If the general shipping profile isn't enough for your business and you want to have different shipping rates for different products, then you can create custom shipping profiles. For example, if you sell a few products that are fragile and need more expensive shipping options, then you can create a shipping profile for these fragile products and charge different shipping rates than the rest of your products.

Click here to learn more about setting up a custom shipping profile.

The following diagram shows the shipping settings for a store that uses a custom shipping profile for two specific products, and a general shipping profile for the rest of its products. Each shipping profile has different shipping zones and rates for the locations that it includes.


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