Creating Facebook Conversion Ads

Facebook conversion ads are designed to prompt specific actions on your website, like making purchases, submitting forms, or subscribing. These ads are a strategic tool for enhancing the number of users completing these actions. Before starting with the ad creation, it's essential to set up your Facebook Ads correctly. For detailed guidance on this setup, click here . This guide will lead you through the steps for creating Facebook conversion ads.


1. From your Shoplazza Admin > Sales channels > Facebook > FACEBOOK ADS, click Start setup.

2. Here you will choose a Campaign objective and click Confirm.


Conversion Ad is currently the only available objective.

3. Under the Campaign settings, enter the Campaign name and details. Click Next.

4. At the Ad Set settings page, add a name and select a pixel. Under Budget & Schedule, choose between Daily Budget or Total Budget for your ad set. Set your ad to run continuously from today or within a specified timeframe.

  • Daily Budget: Your average daily expenditure.
  • Total Budget: The maximum amount you will spend during the ad's delivery period.

5. In Audience settings, use pre-saved audiences or create new ones. Fine-tune your audience targeting with options like Location, Age, Gender, and Detailed targeting.

6. Complete the Ad settings. Fill in the Ad creative forms and click Save. Always preview the ad before finalizing it.

7. On the Ads Management page, activate your conversion campaigns.


New campaigns, ad sets, and ads are initially inactive and must be enabled manually.

Once your ad is published, Facebook will begin showing it to your target audience based on their past behavior in your store, their interests, and other factors. Make sure to monitor your ad's performance and adjust it as needed to ensure you're getting the results you want.

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