Facebook Ads account ID and Time zone

Your Facebook Ad Account ID and Time Zone are necessary to set up Facebook Data assistant. Having the correct time zone on your account is important for ensuring that your ad campaigns are targeted at the right audience at the right time. If your time zone is set incorrectly, your ads may be shown to people at the wrong times, which could result in lower performance and wasted ad spending.


Time zone must be consistent with the ad account time zone to ensure the store order data is correctly synchronized.


1. Log in to your Facebook Ads account  , where you will find the Account ID on the Ad accounts page.

2. To find the time zone on your account, click the Options menu bar and select Events Manager.

3. Here you will click the calendar icon in the upper right corner to see the time zone of the ad account.

Checking your Ad Account ID and time zone is important for ensuring that your ad campaigns are set up correctly and targeting the right audience at the right time.

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