Shipping | Troubleshooting missing shipping options at checkout

A smooth checkout experience is fundamental for any online store. If shipping options aren't appearing correctly on your checkout page, this guide will help you check and adjust your admin settings, ensuring your customers can complete their purchases without a hitch.

Unable to select country or region during shipping address entry

If customers can't select their country or region while entering their shipping address, they cannot finalize their purchase. This usually happens because of missing or incorrect shipping settings in your admin.

1. Example of the issue: Customers are unable to select their country or region when entering their shipping address. This prevents them from proceeding to the next step in the checkout process.

2. Check for a shipping profile: Log into your Shoplazza admin and go to Settings > Shipping to see if your store has a shipping profile set up. If not, you'll need to create one. Select Create New Profile and follow the instructions to configure your general shipping settings, such as shipping zones, rates, and methods.

No available shipping options are displayed on the checkout page

If your checkout page shows "There are no available shipping options for your delivery address. Please contact xxxxx for more information," it means there's a problem with your shipping settings. This can happen even if you have a shipping plan configured.

1. Example of the issue: The checkout page displays a message indicating that there are no available shipping options for the customer's delivery address.

2. Check your shipping settings: Log into your Shoplazza admin and go to Settings > Shipping.

3. Verify product inclusion: Ensure the items in the order are included in the shipping plan. If a product isn't included, the shipping plan won't apply.

4. Confirm country/region match: Verify that the country/region set in the shipping plan matches the shipping country selected on the checkout page. If there's a mismatch, the shipping plan won't be valid.

5. Check calculation rules: Confirm that the shipping plan's calculation rules (like price, number of items, and order weight) match the order on the checkout page. The shipping plan won't be applied if the order doesn't meet the criteria.

The shipping plan is set for the country, but the country cannot be selected on the checkout page

If your shipping plan is set for a specific country, but that country can't be selected during checkout, it could be due to incorrect market settings.

1. Example of the issue: The shipping plan is set for a specific country, but that country is not available for selection in the shipping address section of the checkout page.

2. Access market management: Log into your Shoplazza admin. Click on Settings > Markets > Manage to view shipping settings for your Primary markets and other markets.

3. Check the shipping country settings: Click on Manage in the Shipping section.

4. Select shipping country settings: Make sure the Shipping country settings option is selected. This setting ensures that the shipping address at checkout can only be selected from countries included in the market. If a country isn't included in your market settings, it won't be available for selection during checkout.

The shipping plan displays Delivery for virtual product on the checkout page

If your shipping plan is set up correctly, but the checkout page shows "Delivery for virtual product" for physical goods, the system is incorrectly recognizing them as virtual products.

1. Example of the issue: The checkout page displays Delivery for virtual product even though the customer has added physical products to their cart.

2. Access products: From your Shoplazza admin, click on Products > All products. Click the edit icon button for the product to enter the Edit Product page.

3. Enable requires shipping: Find the Requires shipping button under the Attributes section and enable the option. This tells the system that the product is physical and requires shipping.

4. Enabling "Requires shipping" in bulk: To enable the Requires shipping feature for multiple products simultaneously, batch select the products on the Products page. Click the drop-down button next to More and select More bulk actions from the pop-up menu. Check the Requires shipping option for bulk editing. This applies the change to all selected products.

By following these steps and ensuring your shipping settings are correctly configured, you can provide a seamless checkout experience for your customers and avoid any confusion or frustration during the purchase process. Double-check your settings and test your checkout process regularly to ensure everything works as expected.

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