Maximize checkout efficiency with the Custom Address Book App

Enhance your Shoplazza store's checkout experience by integrating the Custom Address Book app, available exclusively for stores with an active Pro plan subscription. This tool lets you upload a customized address database, allowing customers to choose only from predefined addresses during checkout. This step improves the accuracy of shipping details, leading to more reliable and efficient deliveries. For more information on the Pro plan, visit Shoplazza's Pricing Page  .

Installation process

1. Access the App Store: From your Shoplazza Admin > Apps, click Visit App Store.

2. Find the app: Enter the app name Custom Address Book   in the search box and click on Add app.

3. Install the app: Click the Install app to complete the app installation.

Setup and usage

1. Configure country-specific address books: Begin by selecting a country for which you want to create an address book. Download the corresponding import template.

  • Path: Select Country > Click to Download import template.

2. Edit the address template: Modify the template by updating provinces, cities, areas, and postal codes as necessary.

3. Import the default address book: For each selected country, click on the Import button, download the import template, fill it with the address database information in English, then select and upload the completed file. If a multilingual version is not available, the English version will serve as the default.

4. Multilingual setup: Enhance customer service for non-English speaking customers by adding multilingual versions of your address book. Simply click on Add language version, select your desired language, download the multilingual import template, edit it as necessary, and upload the completed file.


Ensure that translations in the multilingual versions align with the default book, primarily adjusting the names of provinces, cities, and areas.

Checkout experience after setup

After setting up the Custom Address Book app, customers enjoy a simplified checkout experience, visibly enhancing your store's efficiency and appeal. Here's a look at the storefront after implementation:

Implementing the Custom Address Book app streamlines your checkout process and improves delivery accuracy, enhancing customer satisfaction. Keep your subscription active to maintain access to these benefits and ensure your Shoplazza store remains competitive.

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