MoCart | Creating an AppsFlyer Template ID

After integrating AppsFlyer and creating an AppsFlyer template ID, you generate and use unique identifiers within the application to track and identify users. By creating a template ID, you associate users with their related behaviors and conversion events to better understand their behavior paths and values.

With the functionality of using an AppsFlyer template ID, you achieve the following goals:

1. User Identification and Tracking: Whenever a user performs an important behavior or conversion event in the application, the template ID identifies and tracks the user. This helps understand which users performed specific actions, such as registration, purchase, or other key conversion events.

2. User Behavior Analysis: User behavior analysis is conducted by associating the template ID with user behaviors and conversion events. Insights are gained into user behavior paths, usage patterns, preferences, and their conversion effectiveness. This helps understand users' interests, needs, and values, optimizing marketing strategies and user experience.

3. Personalized Marketing and Retention Strategies: Using the template ID, differences are identified among different user groups, and personalized marketing and retention strategies are developed based on these differences. Users are segmented into different groups, and customized promotions, offers, or content are provided for each group to increase user engagement and retention rates.

In summary, integrating AppsFlyer and creating an AppsFlyer template ID enables effective identification, tracking, and analysis of user behavior to provide personalized marketing and retention strategies for your application. This helps improve user engagement, conversion rates, and the application's overall success.

Creating Your AppsFlyer Template ID

To configure AppsFlyer in the MoCart admin, you must first add your template ID. This article will guide you through creating a template ID in the AppsFlyer admin.

1. Access AppsFlyer and navigate to OneLink Templates: Log in to your AppsFlyer admin panel. Go to Experience & Deep Linking > OneLink Management > New Link, and select New OneLink template.

2. Configure iOS Redirection: Locate the iOS settings in the Redirection section of the new template page. Select Use Universal Links to launch the app.

3. Set iOS Redirect Behavior: In the pop-up window, select the Redirect users to App Store (unless a fallback is defined) option. This redirects users as if they don't have the application. Click the Save button.

4. Configure Android Redirection: For Android, select the same option, Redirect users to App Store (unless a fallback is defined). This redirects users as if they don't have the application. Click the Save button.

5. Set URI Scheme Fallback: Find the URI scheme fallback option in the Redirections menu. Click Use URI scheme to launch the app.

6. Define URI Scheme: Select Launch the app using a URI scheme in the pop-up window.

Enter your URI scheme in this format:

  • yourBundleID://mainactivity (Replace yourBundleID with your actual app’s Bundle ID). Click Save to confirm.

7. Locate Template ID: After configuring all settings, click Create template to finalize. Once saved successfully, your AppsFlyer template ID is created. Navigate back to Experience & Deep Linking > OneLink Management to view and copy the template ID.

By following these instructions, you create your AppsFlyer template ID and integrate it into your MoCart admin. This allows effective tracking and analysis of user behavior within your application, leading to improved engagement and conversion rates.

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