The store's service terms define the rights and responsibilities for both you and your customers, safeguarding everyone's interests and ensuring adherence to legal regulations. We will guide you below in creating a terms of service page with customized strategies and procedures. This approach is designed to prevent potential issues with your customers, ensuring you are prepared to address any disagreements in a fair and sensible way.
Generating your templates automatically
If you prefer a more convenient option, you can use Shoplazza's templates to generate default terms for your store. Here's how to do it:
You can simply click Generate default template to use the template provided by Shoplazza, and then click Save to comlpete your settings.
Entering information manually
From your Shoplazza admin > Settings > Legal, enter the appropriate information in the text boxes for Refund policy, Privacy policy and Terms of service. Please remember to click Save to complete the settings.
- If you want to change the terms in the template, it will be more recommended to seek the advice of professional legal experts for a more reliable opinion.
- After generating the terms of service, you can add them to the store footer.
- To the footer of homepage: For detailed steps, see How to add Terms of Service to the store footer .
- To the footer of checkout page: For detailed steps, see Adding Terms of Service to the footer of checkout page .
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