Creating product categories

Correctly categorizing products is essential for ensuring the accurate application of tax rates at checkout. This step is important as some products might be eligible for special rates or exemptions.

For selling across different channels, like Facebook, which often requires standardized product types for listings, there are two categorization options available. Users can either create custom categories tailored to their specific business needs or use Google's standardized categories. This approach provides flexibility in aligning product listings with the requirements of various marketplaces.

Custom categories

1. From your Shoplazza Admin > Products > Categories, choose the categories you want to create.

2. If you would like to create custom categories. Create a First-level category and name it.

3. Create a Second-level category under the First-level category, and then the third category under the second level. You can always add categories by clicking the "+" sign.

4. Drag and drop to change the sorting order of the category.

5. Click Save when you finish editing.

Google Categories

1. If you would like to switch to google categories, you can click Switching to Google Categories.


When you have selected one of the methods to create a category, you need to delete categories created by the current creation method when switching to another creation method.

2. Click Add categories to select the Google category to be added, and when a category is selected, you can choose to add the sub-categories under the same category.

Here you can view category linked products.

3. When you need to use a new category to manage products, you can choose to delete all categories or unlink all products, and then re-create the link between the categories and products.

4. When you finish editing, click Save to put the changes into effect.

Linking Products

1. From your Shoplazza Admin > Products > All products. Select the product that needs to be linked to a category and click on the pencil icon to edit.

2. Click on Link under the Category section on the right panel.

3. Select the category to be linked with the product, then click Confirm.

4. After a product is linked with a category, you can Edit the category or Unlink the product with category on the Edit Product page.

5. In the product list, you can search for the products through the category linked with each product.

6. When you add the products to Automated collections, you can set Category as filter condition to only show categorized products and then click Confirm.

Creating product categories will make search engines better understand your product offerings, improving your search engine rankings and visibility. By doing so, you can apply more effective strategies and boost your sales.

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