Displaying virtual sales of your products

Displaying sales information allows customers to see the popularity of your products, enhancing their confidence in the quality of your offerings and the credibility of your business. Highlighting virtual sales is a powerful strategy to boost customer trust and encourage purchases. This guide explains how to activate virtual sales for different themes on your store, ensuring that your product pages effectively communicate sales performance.

Setting up virtual sales volume for products

1. Enter the product editing page: Log into your Shoplazza admin, click Products > All products to enter the Products page, then choose the product, and click the edit icon button.

2. Set virtual sales volume: On the Edit Product page, set the specific value of the virtual sales volume and enable the feature. Then click Save in the upper right corner of the page to update.

3. Access to bulk settings: For bulk settings, bulk select the products on the Products page. Click the drop-down button next to More and select More bulk actions in the pop-up menu.

4. Add the required fields: Click the drop-down button next to Add fields, then select the Virtual sales and Virtual sales enable from the pop-up menu.

5. Perform bulk editing: With the required fields added, locate the corresponding fields in the product list and set them in bulk.

Customizing themes to display sales volume

To display virtual sales on your product pages, customize your theme settings. The process varies slightly depending on the theme you are using. Follow these steps to configure the display of virtual sales in your chosen theme.

1. Access theme editor: Log into your Shoplazza admin and click Online Store > Themes > Customize to start.

2. Switch to default product page: Click the drop-down button next to the Home page. Then select Products > Default product from the menu.

3. Add theme block: For themes like Bamboo, Nova 2023, Hero, Morning, Night, Moon, Sweet, first locate the Product details card in the left card list bar, click Add block, then select Sales to display the virtual sales.


Long press the drag button on the right side of the card with the mouse to move and adjust its position.

4. Enable show sales button: In themes such as Wind, Geek, Eva, Flash, Impress, Elegant, Christmas, Halloween, Boost, Life Style, OnePage, the price and sales block have been added by default. So click Product > Price and sales in the card list on the left, then enable the Show sales button.

5. Enable the sales volume button: For themes such as Pluto, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Venus, Amazing - Buy on Amazon, click the theme settings icon button, select the PRODUCT section, and turn on the Sales volume button.

6. Save your edits: Click Save draft or Publish at the top right of the page to complete the settings.


Nova 2023, Morning, Night, Moon, Sweet, Bamboo, Pluto, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Venus, OnePage, Amazing - Buy on Amazon and other themes do not support configuring sales types. They default to displaying the sum of real and virtual sales.

This article outlines the program for setting up virtual sales, aiming to help you quickly complete the display settings of product sales under different themes. It is expected to stimulate customers' purchasing power through the display of sales information. Ultimately, it will bring good performance to your store.

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