Performing tasks on client stores

To perform specific tasks, such as making changes to a client's store theme, Shoplazza Partners may require access to the client's store. Access can be granted through a staff account, which can be created by the client. With a staff account, the Partner can access only the sections of the store that the client has permitted them to see and manage. Click here to see how your merchant can create a staff account.
It is important to note that requesting a client's password or using their login information to gain access to their store is strictly prohibited. The use of staff accounts ensures that access to a client's store is restricted to authorized individuals, thereby protecting the privacy and security of the client's data.

When working on a client's store, it's important to keep the following tips in mind:

Understand the client's needs

Before you begin working on a client's store, it's important to understand their business and their goals. Ask questions about their target audience, their products, and their brand identity. This will help you create a customized solution that meets their specific needs.

Communicate regularly

Communication is key when working with clients. Make sure to set expectations from the start and keep them updated on your progress. This will help build trust and keep them satisfied with your work.

Focus on design

In eCommerce, design is everything. Make sure that your client's store is visually appealing, easy to navigate, and optimized for conversions. Use high-quality images, clear calls-to-action, and a clean layout to make their store stand out.

Optimize for SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial for any eCommerce store. Make sure that the client's store is optimized for keywords, has a clean URL structure, and includes meta descriptions and title tags.

Test everything

Testing is an essential part of eCommerce. Make sure that your client's store is fully functional and free of bugs. Test the checkout process, product pages, and any third-party integrations to ensure that everything is working smoothly.

Provide ongoing support

Once you've completed the client's store, make sure to provide ongoing support. This may include updates, troubleshooting, or training on how to use the store's backend. By providing ongoing support, you'll build a relationship with the client that can lead to future work.


Working on client stores in Shoplazza can be challenging, but it's also an opportunity to help businesses succeed in the ever-growing eCommerce landscape. By understanding the client's needs, communicating regularly, focusing on design and SEO, testing everything, and providing ongoing support, you can create a customized solution that helps your client achieve their goals. All these tasks can be performed by creating a staff account which is the safest option for you and your client.

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