Creating a return for cash on delivery orders

When a customer declines a Cash on Delivery (COD) order at the time of delivery, you have the option to cancel the order through your Shoplazza admin. This action moves the order to your After-Sales order section, enabling you to initiate a return process.rn.


1. From your Shoplazza admin > Orders > After sales, switch over to the Pending tab.

2. Under the Pending tab, choose the COD order to create a return.

3. On the Order details page, click Rejected by customer.

4. Click OK to confirm to start the return process.

5. Once the items are received, click on Returned.

6. Check for the order status update to Returned.

By following the above steps, you can easily create a return for cash on delivery order. Continually updating your order status ensures transparency and efficiency in your operations. This practice contributes to building trust with your customers, enhancing their overall shopping experience.

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