How do I ensure customers place orders in designated markets?

When using the markets function, applying different pricing strategies across various markets is important. This helps prevent customers in higher-priced markets from entering lower-priced markets to place orders, which protects your profit margins.

By lowering the price in one market while keeping the selling price unchanged in another, customers purchasing the same goods in the lower-priced market will pay less than those in the higher-priced market.

Setting market restrictions

To ensure customers place orders in their designated markets, follow these steps:

1. Access market management: Log into your Shoplazza admin > Settings and click on Markets. Select the Manage button for the market where you plan to set lower prices. This allows you to adjust settings specific to this market and ensure that pricing and shipping options are correctly configured.

2. View shipping plans: In the market management section, locate the shipping settings. Click the Manage button in the shipping section to view all shipping plans available for the countries included in this market. Reviewing these plans helps you understand which shipping options are available and make any necessary adjustments.

3. Check shipping country settings: Within the shipping settings, ensure that the option Shipping address at checkout can only be selected from countries included in the market is checked. This setting restricts customers to only select shipping addresses within the designated market. After checking this option, click Save to update your changes.


If this option is checked, only countries included in this market can be selected on the checkout page. If it is not checked, customers will have the option to select any country supported by the shipping plans.

4. Customer's checkout page: After setting the shipping address restriction, when a customer reaches the checkout page from the designated market, they will only be able to select shipping addresses within that market. This ensures that customers cannot take advantage of lower prices intended for other regions.


Evaluate which markets need this feature based on your store’s operations, focusing on regions with significant price differences where restricting shipping addresses would be beneficial. Enabling this feature will protect profit margins but may impact the customer’s shopping experience. Carefully consider the trade-off between customer satisfaction and store profits.

This guide outlines how to ensure customers place orders in designated markets. While this feature can help maximize store profits, it may also impact customer satisfaction. Consider this feature comprehensively based on your store’s requirements.

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