Shoplazza Payments: Prohibited businesses and products overview

Shoplazza Payments is an in-house, integrated payment gateway provided by Shoplazza, available exclusively to merchants who meet specific eligibility criteria. This payment solution is designed to streamline the transaction process, ensuring a secure and efficient operation for all participating businesses.

Understanding prohibitions

Before signing up for Shoplazza Payments, verify that both your business and the products or services you offer comply with the eligibility criteria. Adhering to these rules is essential for keeping the platform safe and legally compliant.

Prohibited businesses and products

  • Regulated or illegal products and services:
    • Products and services that require regulatory approval or must meet specific regulatory standards. Examples include cannabis and related products, prescription medications, medical devices, tobacco products, firearms, gun holsters, ammunition, and other weaponry.
  • Financial products and services:
    • Activities such as money transfers, virtual currencies, cryptocurrency transactions, check cashing, and credit repair are not allowed.
  • Adult content:
    • All products or services involving sexual content are banned, including adult films, adult pay-per-view content, and adult magazines.
  • Pseudo-Pharmaceuticals:
    • Products claiming health benefits must be approved by health authorities. Items without approval from local or national regulatory bodies are not permitted.
  • Gambling and Betting:
    • Any service or product related to gambling, including sports betting, lotteries, and sweepstakes, is prohibited.
  • Counterfeit and pirated items:
    • It is forbidden to sell counterfeit goods or to use copyrighted material without authorization. This includes pirated music and improper use of Shoplazza trademarks or other copyrighted materials.

Ensuring compliance with the prohibited business and product guidelines is essential for maintaining your standing with Shoplazza Payments. Before registration, thoroughly review the full list of prohibitions and assess whether your business complies with these standards.

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