Payment Polling Settings

Payment Polling is designed to help you distribute transaction volumes effectively, avoiding potential flags from high-frequency activity on a single account. This allows you to set daily or total income limits for each PayPal account. To access this tool, contact customer support for an authorized installation link.


Begin by integrating PayPal with your store, which sets the foundation for the Payment Polling system.

1. Authorize PayPal: In your Shoplazza admin > Settings > Payments, search for PayPal as a payment provider and click Activate to connect your Paypal account. Complete the authorization steps to finalize the setup. A complete walkthrough for PayPal integration is available in this setup guide for your convenience.


After setting up PayPal, contact customer support to obtain a specific installation link for the Payment Polling feature, as it is not available for direct download in the app store.

Payment Settings

With PayPal set up and Payment Polling installed, it's time to manage your transaction flow.

1. Head over to your Shoplazza admin > Apps, and click on the Payment polling on your installed apps list.

2. Main PayPal Account: Your primary PayPal account is added automatically to Payment Polling upon setup. This acts as the default account for transactions.


New accounts will be set to Suspended by default. Activate them by clicking the Edit icon to edit the polling rules.

3. Adding Additional Accounts: To distribute your transaction load, click on Add account in the Payment Polling section and authorize each new PayPal account through the authorization process.

4. Setting Transaction Rules: Assign rules in the Receiving Limit section for each PayPal account, defining limits on the total and daily amounts and transaction counts that align with your business needs. In the Receiving limit section, you'll need to complete the following settings:

  • Total payment limit: The maximum amount each account can receive.
  • Total payment count limit: The maximum number of transactions for each account.
  • Daily payment limit: The maximum daily amount for each account.
  • Daily payment count limit: The maximum number of daily transactions for each account.


  • Handling of total payment limit: When a PayPal account reaches its Total payment limit within Payment Polling, it will cease to receive payments. The account itself won't be automatically deleted by the system, but its ability to process further transactions will be stopped.
  • Merchant intervention required: After an account is suspended for reaching its total limit, it doesn’t reset automatically at the end of each month. To resume using the account in Payment Polling, you will need to manually adjust the total limit. If the new limit is set higher than the current limit, the account will be re-activated and included back into the polling process.
  • Adding the same account again: Although it's possible to add the same PayPal account more than once, the system treats these as separate entities. However, it's advisable not to add the same account repeatedly. Unlike accounts with daily limits, which reset every 24 hours, accounts that reach the total payment limit won’t automatically reset and require manual adjustment to rejoin the payment rotation.
  • Daily payment limit: An account that reaches its daily payment limit will be temporarily paused and will automatically be reactivated at UTC 00:00 the next day, resuming the payment polling process.
  • Switching to the Original Account: When one of your PayPal accounts in Payment Polling fulfills a polling rule, such as reaching a daily or total payment limit, the system will automatically suspend that account from processing new transactions. Payment Polling will default back to the original account that was set up in the app, which doesn't have any specific polling rules.

5. Activating an account: After setting up the transaction rules for an account, finalize your configurations and click OK to activate the account for payment polling. This will enable the account to start processing transactions according to the set rules.

6. Deleting an Account: If you need to remove an account from Payment Polling, you can do so by clicking the Trash Can icon next to the account. This action will delete the account from the Payment Polling system.


While you can delete accounts within the Payment Polling app, accounts that have been added through your admin panel and are actively linked as payment providers cannot be removed in this manner. This safeguard ensures that essential payment accounts remain active and are not accidentally deleted.

Operation Records

1. The Operation Records serve as an audit log for the Payment Polling system, detailing the history of configurations and any adjustments made to your PayPal accounts.

  • Activity Log: It captures all the key activities, such as when you add new rules, modify existing ones, or when accounts are automatically paused due to reaching set limits.

Order Records

1. The Order Records provide a transaction-level view of all the orders processed through your PayPal accounts.

  • Transaction Details: This section lists individual transactions, showing data such as order numbers, payment methods, merchant IDs, amounts, and payment dates.


If you remove an account from Payment Polling, its associated data will also be deleted from both the Operation and Order Records to maintain the integrity of your records.

Important Notes for using Payment Polling

When utilizing the Payment Polling application, keep these key guidelines in mind to ensure smooth operation:

  • Avoid modifying Payment Settings in Admin Panel: While Payment Polling is active, refrain from changing your PayPal account settings in your Admin > Payment > Payment methods. The Payment Polling app synchronizes account switching with these settings, and any manual changes might disrupt the ability to receive payments.
  • Do not add duplicate accounts: Be cautious not to add the same PayPal account more than once. Doing so can result in duplicated account information in the system, which could lead to confusion and inefficiency in managing transactions.
  • Direct deletion of inactive accounts: If a PayPal account is no longer needed for receiving payments (e.g., if the account has been decommissioned), it's best to delete the account directly from Payment Polling instead of modifying its payment rules. Keeping inactive accounts with modified rules could unintentionally reactivate them if certain conditions are met.
  • Impact of modifying receiving limit rules: Be aware that changing the rules for account receiving limits affects the account's polling status. Any adjustments could alter the way the account participates in the payment polling process.
  • Data removal upon app deletion: Keep in mind that deleting the Payment Polling app from your system will result in the complete removal of all associated account information. This action is irreversible, so be sure it aligns with your business needs before proceeding.

With Payment Polling, you gain an advanced tool that enhances your ability to manage multiple PayPal accounts, ensuring a balanced approach to handling transactions. By following these structured steps, you'll equip your store with a sophisticated financial management system and a transparent record-keeping mechanism that keeps you informed and in control.

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