Gift card sales report

Gift card sales report reflects the amount of gift cards sold. By tracking when and how often gift cards are purchased, you can gain insights into customer behaviors, such as peak buying times. This will inform your marketing strategies.


From your Shoplazza Admin > Analytics > Reports, find the Finance section and click Gift Card Sales.

Customizable time period

  • By default, the page displays the data of Last 30 days based on the time zone of the store.
  • You can choose different time periods in the dropdown to view corresponding data, or select Custom to select specific dates to form a time period.

Sorting your data

You can click the arrow icon beside a header to change the order of the data below according to the header.

Data exporting

Click Export to download an Excel file containing the filtered data on the page.

Glossary of metrics

Indicator Definition
Date The date when the order was placed.
Order No. The unique number identifying the order.
Customer email The email address associated with the order. If your settings only allow mobile phone numbers, this will display the phone number instead.
Gift card gross sales (USD) The total value of gift cards in the order.
Gift card quantity The number of gift cards included in the order.
Discounts (USD) The difference between the gross and net sales of gift cards.
Gift card net sales (USD) The actual sales value of gift cards in the order.

The Gift card sales report is a powerful tool that helps you understand your customers' buying habits related to gift cards. By leveraging this data, you can tailor your marketing strategies more effectively, ensuring that your approach aligns with customer preferences and trends.

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