How do I upload and embed videos in my store?

Adding videos to your Shoplazza store is a straightforward process that can significantly enhance the visual appeal and interactivity of your site. Whether it's showcasing product features, sharing customer testimonials, or providing tutorials, videos are an effective way to engage with your audience. Here's how to add and manage video content within your Shoplazza store.

Enhancing Product Pages with videos

1. Start the process: Begin by navigating to Shoplazza Admin > Products > All Products.

2. Choose a product: Select the product you wish to add a video to and click the Pen icon to edit.

3. Upload or embed a video: In the product's edit page, you can upload a video file by uploading directly from your desktop (From local file), embedding a URL link (From URL), or embedding code (Embed).

Embedding videos in your Blog posts

1. Access your blogs: Go to Shoplazza Admin > Blog Posts > Manage Blogs.

2. Edit or create a blog post: Choose an existing post to edit or start a new one.

3. Insert video content: Click Insert Video in the blog editor and opt for inserting a URL link (General) or embedding code (Embed).

Integrating videos into your theme

1. Theme customization: Head to Shoplazza Admin > Online Store > Themes and select Customize on your theme.

2. Add a video section: Once in the theme editor, click on Add Section. You have the option to choose either Video Hero for a large, impactful video or a standard Video section depending on your needs.

3. Upload or link your video: Click on the title to configure the video section.

  • Click Upload Video to add a video file from your computer.
  • Alternatively, use the Background Video Link area to insert a link to a video hosted on platforms like YouTube or Vimeo. Note that this option requires the video URL, and only supports these two platforms.

Centralizing Video Management in your Material Center

1. Locate Material Center: Find the Material Center under Shoplazza Admin > Settings > Material Center.

2. Upload videos: Use the Upload local file or Upload from URL options to add videos to your centralized library for use throughout your online store.

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