Order disputes

Managing transaction disputes can be a straightforward process with the right tools at your disposal. If you encounter payment issues with PayPal or Stripe, your customers might file a dispute. Thankfully, the Dispute management feature allows you to handle these situations efficiently, directly from your Shoplazza admin.

Navigating Order Disputes

A unified dispute management system is designed to enhance efficiency when dealing with customer transactions that need extra attention.

To access the Dispute section, head over to your Shoplazza Admin > Orders and click on Dispute to see an overview of any disputed orders in your store. This displays details such as dispute type, status, and the reasoning for the disputes. The interface provides detailed information, such as:

  • Case ID: Identifiers from PayPal & Stripe.
  • Payment channel: Toggle between PayPal and Stripe disputes.
  • Order ID: Your Shoplazza order reference.
  • Linked channel account: Accounts associated with PayPal & Stripe.
  • Reason: The basis for the dispute.
  • Status: Current progress of the dispute.
  • Filling date: The date the dispute was initiated.
  • Last update date: The most recent update.
  • Due date: Deadline for resolving the dispute.
  • Amount: Amount under dispute.
  • Action: Available actions to manage the dispute.


All PayPal/Stripe disputes are only viewable from your Shoplazza Admin, to respond to a dispute, claim or chargeback, please visit the corresponding payment service provider.

PayPal order disputes

Disputes on PayPal can arise for various reasons, such as product or service inconsistencies or unauthorized charges. The dispute process can begin with direct communication with the seller and escalate to formal claims requiring PayPal's involvement if unresolved. Your customer may choose to file a dispute with PayPal if with the following examples:

  • Inconsistent description of product/service, the item/service is not as described.
  • Transactions were not authorized.
  • Failure to process refunds or credit.
  • Incorrect amount was charged.

PayPal dispute types

  • Client dispute: If the purchased item/service has not been delivered or is inconsistent with the product description, a customer may file a Dispute case  within 180 days after the purchase. The buyer may directly contact you via your Shoplazza storefront. For instance, the buyer may ask for a refund, return of an item, or rearrangement of delivery. Within these cases, Paypal does not actively participate nor is directly involved with decision-making. However, with Paypal interventions, a seller or buyer must escalate the dispute to a claim within 20 calendar days after opening the dispute.
  • Claim process: If neither the buyer nor the seller agrees to settle, either party may escalate the dispute to a claim within 20 calendar days after opening the dispute. When you escalate dispute to a claim  , you are asking Paypal to make a decision on the claim in accordance with the terms of the PayPal User Agreement  . You need to escalate a claim within 20 calendar days after opening the dispute or the dispute will be automatically closed. Once a dispute is closed, it’s not possible to re-open it or escalate it to a claim.
  • Credit card chargeback: A chargeback is an action taken by a bank to reverse electronic payments. You may submit additional documentation of proof to file a dispute with Paypal. Paypal will represent you in negotiations with the credit card company, who makes the decision.

Managing PayPal dispute orders

1. From your Shoplazza Admin, go to Orders > Paypal dispute to overview all dispute order information including dispute type, status, and specific reasons for the dispute.

2. Select to review specific information of the order.

3. On the actions page, you may refer to the timeline and respond to the other party in respect of dispute cases. The case will be closed automatically if you issue a full refund to consumers at any point in this process. Seller may mark a case as "resolved" if both parties are satisfied with the results of the case.

4. Either party may escalate the dispute to a claim within 20 calendar days after opening the dispute. Paypal will then make a decision solely in accordance with the terms of the PayPal User Agreement  . Here, you are given the options to:

  • Issue full refund
  • Make offer
  • Escalate to PayPal
  • Refer to this order via Redirect to Paypal

PayPal order dispute statuses

The table below outlines the PayPal order dispute statuses:

All All cases
Unresolved unclosed dispute cases
Awating response Cases need to be replied to
Require other party's action waiting for responses from the other party
Under Paypal review Paypal will conduct a review and make a decision based on documentation of proof from both parties
Appealable You may make an appeal to the case within 10 days of the decision being made
Resolved Closed cases

To act on a case as merchants

You may act accordingly to different stages of a case:

  • Dispute case:
    • Sending a message to the buyer (initiator of this dispute)
    • Issue a refund
    • Escalate dispute to claim
    • Confirmation of returns
  • File a claim:
    • Accept the claim
    • Documentation of proof
    • Additional resources
    • Make an appeal

Managing disputes across other payment channels

For disputes arising from payment channels other than PayPal, such as Airwallex, Asiabill, Citcon, and various Shoplazza Payments options, the following general steps apply:

You can only review Stripe dispute details via Shoplazza. Please visit Stripe  to manage your dispute orders. To learn more about Stripe's dispute categories, please refer to here  .

Managing disputed orders from Stripe

1. Accessing Dispute Information: Go to Shoplazza Admin > Orders > Dispute. This provides an overview of all disputed orders.

2. Reviewing Dispute Details: Select the View button to dive into specific dispute details and understand the nature of the claim.

3. Monitoring and Updating: You can easily review the details of disputed orders by clicking on each disputed transaction. For instance, if there is a dispute related to an "unauthorized transaction," you will have access to precise information such as the disputed amount, transaction number, buyer details, and the original transaction amount. Additionally, you can check the current processing stage to determine the appropriate course of action based on the payment channel's decision. This may involve issuing refunds or uploading relevant evidence documents as necessary.

Understanding Dispute Statuses

The table below outlines the various dispute statuses you may encounter and what they mean:

  • Warning: needs response - You need to respond to the dispute promptly.
  • Warning: under review - Your case may currently be under review by the payment channel.
  • Warning: closed - Your case may have been closed.
  • Waiting for buyer response - You're waiting for more information or an action from the customer.
  • Under review - The payment channel is reviewing your dispute at the moment.
  • Refunded - You've refunded the payment to the customer.
  • Chargeback won - You've successfully defended against the chargeback.
  • Chargeback lost - The chargeback wasn't resolved in your favor, and the payment has been reversed.

As you manage order disputes, remember that while you can monitor and take certain actions within the Shoplazza Admin, you will need to directly contact the respective payment channel to manage and resolve any disputes fully. It's essential to stay on top of communications and required actions on both fronts to ensure a swift and fair resolution for all parties involved.

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