Discount Codes Overview Dashboard

Discount codes are promotional marketing strategies to encourage customers to make a purchase. In a discount code campaign, customers receive a special coupon and obtain a discount or a special offer within a purchase. Analyzing discount code reports helps you evaluate customer acquisition and loyalty, learn about customer behavior and then boost sales.

Viewing Your Discount Code Report

You can go and check out your discount code report at Shoplazza Admin > Analytics > Reports > Marketing campaign > Discount Codes Overview Dashboard.

Selecting Time-frame Indicators

Click on the date column to select a different time period.


Your discount code report will automatically display today's data (from 0:00 am to the moment you click on the report).

Selecting the Custom option from the drop-down menu to personalize your report.

Searching for a Specific Discount Code Campaign

Applying your campaign title or discount code information manually to the search query to look up the performance of a specific campaign.

Exporting Discount Code reports

Use the Export Data button on top right to save a copy of your discount code report.

In the chart below, you can identify the meanings of every indicator in your discount code report:

Modules Indicators Definitions
Data Displayed in the Overview Order Quantity The overall quantity of order placed during the discount code campaign
Percentage of Order Quantity Campaign Order Quantity / Total Order Quantity
Gross Merchandise Value (GMV) The total amount of sales from the discount code campaign
Percentage of Sales Revenue Campaign Revenue / Total Sales Revenue
Average Transaction Value (ATV) Total Sales Revenue / Total Order Number
Units per Transaction Item Quantity / Number of Orders
Data Displayed in the Chart Campaign Title The name of the discount code campaign
Order Quantity The overall quantity of order placed during the rebate campaign
Discount Codes Discount codes are unique codes made up of letters and/or numbers as a tool for discount or a special offer on a purchase.
Discount Rules The rules for customers using a discount code.
Gross Merchandise Value (GMV) The total amount of sales from the rebate campaign
Discounted Value Total value of the orders using discount codes.
Average Transaction Value (ATV) Total Sales Revenue / Total Order Number
Units per Transaction Item Quantity / Number of Orders
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