Haloo Settings


Haloo is an AI-powered trademark search platform designed to simplify the complexities of trademark search and filing. Haloo helps you deep dive into potential trademark conflicts and gives you everything you need to submit your trademark application to the government’s website. That way, you can trademark your brand with ease, and start growing your business with confidence.  

How does it work with Shoplazza?

Step 1:Here   is the integration page for Shoplazza and Haloo. Click on Run my free search where you will provide your information that includes your name and email address.mceclip0.pngmceclip1.png

Step 2: Choose a type of trademark to search, as there are three types of trademarks, Name, Logo and Tagline. To learn more about the difference between the trademarks, please see this  .mceclip3.png

Step3: Once you've chosen your trademark type then you will provide your business information that includes Jurisdiction ( USA / Canada ), Industry and also upload the image or provide discription of trademark type.mceclip4.png

When you have ensured your brand name is in the clear or under “Low risk” you will then sign up for free to claim partner discount for purchasing your professional search report and guaranteed-compliant trademark application on the Haloo website.mceclip5.png

How long does the process take?

Running a Haloo search takes 60 seconds and filing your application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office takes about an hour when you use the information provided in ready-to-file application. For context, working with an attorney to do a manual trademark search would take days, sometimes even weeks. In addition, trademark applications that use our Application Builder avoid critical human errors made by attorneys, and they’re prioritized by USPTO because Haloo format your information to be compliant and use the exact language the office requires.

How do I contact Haloo?

If you require any help or have any questions please feel free to contact Haloo customer service department. You can contact Haloo through Email, calling, or booking an appointment for free.

Click here   to contact one of their representatives.

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