Web Push Notifications

Web push notifications are clickable messages from your website, similar to mobile app alerts, that can be accessed on any device. These notifications can enhance customer engagement, improve retention, and boost sales by delivering updates and offers directly to users. They're a cost-effective part of a digital marketing strategy that doesn't require user's contact information. This article will walk you through the basic steps of setting up Web push notifications in your Shoplazza admin.

Configuring your web push notifications

1. From your Shoplazza admin > Customers Customer notifications, switch over to Web Push.

2. Once inside the Web Push tab, click on Settings.

3. Choose when to send push notifications to customers by setting your opt-in timing. For instance, selecting 10 Seconds sends a notification after 10 seconds. You can set it between 5 to 60 seconds. Use an overlay to highlight the authorization pop-up, reducing the risk of Google limiting notification access. Click Save to apply changes.


An authorization request pop-up window will be displayed to customers no more than once every 24 hours to avoid being blocked by Google Chrome.

Sending Web Push Notifications to your customers

1. From your Shoplazza admin > Customers Customer notifications, switch over to Web Push and click Create Campaign.


Select a template and click the Customize button to enter the edit page. There are currently seven recommended templates available. If you activate the template, a notification will be sent according to the sending time you set.

  • Abandoned checkout: When an order has not been completed, this will send customers a notification to remind them to complete the purchase with an exclusive offer.
  • Abandoned cart: This will remind them of the items forgotten in their cart and motivate them to finish their purchase by sending customers a notification and supplying exclusive offers.
  • Abandoned product: Encourage customers to revisit your store after viewing product pages without making a purchase. The customer is sent a notification providing them with access to the product page with the highest sales from their viewed products and with a special offer.
  • Order confirmation: Once an order is completed, this will suggest customers to bookmark your store or create a link from their device's home screen.
  • Shipping confirmation: After an order has been shipped, this will recommend that your customers bookmark your store or adding your store to their home screen.
  • Thanks for reviewing: After customers submit a 5-star review, this will send a notification to them with a coupon code to encourage them to place another order.
  • Win back: Send notifications to customers who haven't made a purchase within a given duration that includes a discount code to incentivize their return.

Configuring your template

1. Each template has its own preset content, which you can edit as needed. Fill out information such as the campaign name and content for the notification push.

  • The primary link is the link that will open when the user clicks the notification. All templates provide a default primary link, which does not support editing at the moment. To add personalized links, you can click Add button.
  • Logos are small images that users see in notifications. All templates provide the default logo, which cannot be edited for the time being.
  • Displaying Hero images is only supported on Android phones and Windows desktops.
  • Click Add button to add a new button, and you can fill in the button text and link of a certain page of the store.
  • Clicking Send test will send you a test message. The test message will not generate exclusive offer. You need to enable Google Chrome's notification permission on your system.

2. Set the Send after time. Sending times vary by template.


Please note that if you activate the order notification template and the shipping notification template, customers who place an order will only receive one notification, so as to avoid multiple notifications on their browser.

Offer settings

Configure your offer settings. When you use the Abandoned Checkout, Abandoned Cart, Abandoned Product, Thanks for reviewing, and Win back templates, you can set up an exclusive offer by default. You can also change the colours and style of the reminder message here.


  • Once a customer clicks the notification, they'll receive an automatic discount code, and a countdown banner will appear at the top of their screen. This timer starts the moment they land on the page, and the discount code expires when the countdown ends.
  • If the customer transitions to the checkout page via a notification with a discount code, this code will auto-populate in the discount input box.

Overlay settings

1. Preview the overlaying effect. When you use the order confirmation template and shipping confirmation template, you can preview the overlaying style displayed after the storefront customer clicks the notification, and you can edit some of the text.

2. Click Activate and the notification will be sent according to your settings. If you haven’t decided to start sending notifications right away, click Save as draft.

Managing your campaigns

If you want to pause sending notifications after activating notifications, you can click the Pause button in the Web push campaign list. You can also copy a campaign by clicking the Copy button, and the event will be automatically saved as a draft. After activating the notification campaign, the relevant data can be viewed in the list. To delete a campaign, you must first Pause the campaign. A trash can icon will then appear under the Action column.

Web push notifications, compatible with Windows, Mac OS, and Android devices, provide an effective way to engage your audience off-site. These notifications foster personalized, long-lasting customer relationships, but cannot be sent to iOS devices or to customers without Google Chrome. Keep in mind, appearance may vary across different operating systems and browsers.

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