Authorize PayPal payments via API keys

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Authorize and link your PayPal account via keys

Authorize and link your PayPal account via keys

1. Log into the PayPal account admin, click Settings, and make sure the email account in your profile is activated.


account restrictions may apply to inactive accounts. Please verify the email address in the PayPal admin or contact PayPal customer service to remove restrictions.


Activate your email address by clicking the activation link in the activation email sent to your mailbox.

2. Return to the Shoplazza Admin > Settings > Payments > Manage/Add payment method to implement Paypal checkout> under Account Information > select Authorize via API keys from Please select authorization type.


3. Click the Create App link in Step 2. to access the Create New App page on PayPal.

mceclip4.png4. Obtain your Client ID and Secret.

On the PayPal App page, make sure your PayPal account is logged in.

Click the created App name to redirect to the App editing page, click Live in the upper right corner, and click show under Secret to obtain your Client ID and Secret.



If there is no Create button when you enter the Create New App page for the first time, you can click My Apps & Credentials in the menu on the left to enter the Create New App page again.

Please copy the Client ID and Secret in Live mode. If you select Sandbox, the created information cannot be synced to Shoplazza for payment.


5. Obtain Merchant ID

Log into your PayPal account, and visit PayPal settings to get your Merchant ID.


6. Edit your Client ID, Secret and Merchant ID on Shoplazza to activate PayPal as your payment collection channel.


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