How Do I Add New Fields to the CSV File Generated from Shopify?

1.Adding "Variant Inventory Qty" fields in the CSV files is supported

  • The header field of the newly added variant Inventory can only be edited to "Variant Inventory Qty," which is case-sensitive.
  • If the new header field is not the same as the field "Variant Inventory Qty," it will ignore the import of the new field.
  • For the Inventory value of "Variant Inventory Qty," you only need to fill in this parameter for a single product (no variant) and the variants part. You do not need to fill in the central part of the product. A number with a maximum of 5-digits is supported.


2.Adding "Collection" fields in the CSV files is supported.

  • If the new header field is not the same as the field "Collection," it will ignore the import of the new field.
  • Fill in the existing collection. If the collection does not exist, do not add it. Separate the multiple collections with commas.


3.Adding "SPU" fields in the CSV files is supported

  • If the new header field is not the same as the field "SPU", it will ignore the import of the new field.
  • For the value of "SPU", you only need to fill in this parameter for a single product (no variant). A maximum of 100 characters can be entered.

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