Adding an Image with text section to your store theme

An Image with text section is a direct and effective way to greet your customers and showcase your product in your storefront. Images can help to clarify complex information, making it easier for the audience to understand. When paired with text, they can reinforce the message and provide a more comprehensive view of your products. This article will guide you through adding an image with text section to your store theme.

Adding an Image with text section

1. From your Shoplazza Admin > Online store > Themes, click Customize next to the target theme.

2. Click Add section to see more available sections for this theme.

3. Under THEME SECTIONS, select Image with text section and customize your configurations.

4. You can click and drag the drop icon to reorganize the sections.

Customizing the style of the section


In the added Image with text section, Select an image from Library as a cover photo for this section. Here, you can also adjust the Image width.


You can alternate the position of images to show on left or right.

Image half-page width

This feature auto resizes all images to 1/2 of the screen size.


By applying this feature, the Image width slider will be disabled.

Section padding

1. The padding editor is used to generate extra space around the section you create. Activate the linkage icon and type a value (measured in pixels) in any of the 4 columns to add buffers around the section or you may manually adjust each input by disabling the linkage icon in the centered area.

2. The screenshot below is an example use of 50px spacing on each side.

3. Here, you can select to preview on desktop or mobile.

Customizing the blocks of the section

Heading & Text

Refer back to the main page, edit your heading and text body seperately for this section.


Here, you can create a name for this button and redirect traffic to any page in the dropdown menu.

With Image with text section, you set up a combination of photos and text that enhances your brand awareness and increases customers' willingness to read more. It will also helps with optimizing your SEO rankings.

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