How to shorten and simplify product links

There are two common situations when your single-page product link might be too long: one is if the SEO link for the product itself is too long; the other is when the link includes additional Site Page Metrics (SPM) parameters because of a jump operation. A "jump operation" typically refers to the action of redirecting or navigating from one webpage or portion of a webpage to another. When this redirect involves adding extra parameters to the URL (like tracking parameters or session IDs), this can result in a longer and more complex URL.

SPM parameters are added to a URL to help track and analyze user behavior. They can provide insights into where your traffic is coming from, how users interact with your campaigns, and what kind of content they are viewing. However, these can also make URLs longer and harder to use.

To make the product link shorter, easier to read, and better for sharing, you first need to examine your product link. After that, you can start to clean up and simplify the parameters in the SEO link and the SPM parameters that may have been added during the jump operation.

Optimizing product SEO links

Essentially, there's an option to edit the SEO independently. By default, this feature is disabled. So, when you're creating a product, if this option remains disabled, the product's title gets included in the product link. This can result in an unnecessarily long SEO link. However, you can manage and adjust the length of the SEO link by enabling this separate SEO editing feature. Here are the steps:

1. Log into your Shoplazza Admin > Products > All products and pick the product you want to change, and click on the Edit button (pencil icon).

2. Go to the Edit Product page and click on Edit SEO.

3. There is an option on the Edit website SEO page called Separate Edit. When you enable 'Separate Edit', it allows you to manually adjust the SEO link. Please note, that any parts of the SEO links that are greyed out cannot be modified.

4. On the Edit SEO page, review the SEO link for excessive length.


By default, Separate Edit option is disabled, meaning that any time you change the product title, the product link will automatically update to match it. However, if you enable 'Separate Edit', your product link will stay the same, regardless of how many times you change the product title. This gives you the ability to control the length and content of your product link."

5. After you have made these changes, click Save.

6. To preview your changes to that product, click the View button.

Product Link with SPM Parameter

An SPM (Site Page Metrics) parameter is something used to keep track of how users use your site, how many visits your page gets, and helps figure out links that lead to sales. This can help you understand how your customers behave and what paths they take to make a purchase. If you want your product links to be shorter and easier to read, you can use a tool to create a short URL or add some code to make it better. Here are the steps below:

  • Using a Short URL Tool: One way to make your product link shorter is by using a tool or website that makes URLs shorter These tools can take a long product link and make it short and sweet, which makes it easier to share. Here is one example by installing a chrome extension: URL Shortener  .

Removing the SPM Parameter with Code:

1. Go to your store's homepage and click through from the album page to the Product Detail Page to see if the product link has the SPM parameter.

2. Head over to your Shoplazza Admin > Online Store > Themes. Locate the theme that needs updating and click on the option icon (three dots) and choose Edit code.

3. On the Code editor page, select the Layout > theme.liquid file, add disable-spm after the "html" tag, and save.

4. After you've added the code, revisit the Product Detail Page from the album page to assess the improved product link.




Removing the SPM parameter simplifies your URL without hindering user access to your webpage. You can confidently create ads and share links without the extra bulk of SPM parameters.

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